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Final Report About the High-level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence The multi-stakeholder High-level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence, initially proposed in 2020 as part of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Roadmap for Digital Cooperation (A/74/821), was formed in October 2023 to undertake analysis and advance recommendations for the international governance of artificial intelligence. The members of the…

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THE INTERNATIONAL SEMINARS ON PLANETARY EMERGENCIES 56th SESSION FUTURE OF CYBER SECURITY AND AI PERMANENT MONITORING PANEL Erice, 9 August 2024 Robert Hofstadter Lecture Hall – Patrick M.S. Blackett Institute – 09:30 – 17:30 Plenary Agenda: Programma:

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Il Consiglio d’Europa adotta il primo trattato internazionale sull’intelligenza artificiale

l Consiglio d’Europa ha adottato il primo trattato internazionale giuridicamente vincolante volto a garantire il rispetto delle norme giuridiche in materia di diritti umani, democrazia e Stato di diritto nell’utilizzo dei sistemi di intelligenza artificiale (IA). Il trattato, aperto anche ai paesi non europei, stabilisce un quadro giuridico che copre l’intero ciclo di vita dei sistemi…

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Assemblea Onu dice sì alla risoluzione sull’intelligenza artificiale

Il testo, elaborato dagli Stati Uniti, è stato adottato per consenso. Prevede di colmare il divario tra Paesi ricchi e sviluppati e Paesi in via di sviluppo, riconoscere a tutti la partecipazione al tavolo di discussione e far sì che tutti dispongano della tecnologia e delle capacità per trarne vantaggio. Da Sky TG24:

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European AI Office

The European AI Office will be the centre of AI expertise across the EU. It will play a key role in implementing the AI Act - especially for general-purpose AI - foster the development and use of trustworthy AI, and international cooperation. ( Read more )

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L’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) générative par les professionnels de la justice dans un contexte professionnel

COMMISSION EUROPÉENNE POUR L'EFFICACITÉ DE LA JUSTICE (CEPEJ) Groupe de travail de la CEPEJ sur la cyberjustice et de l’intelligence artificielle (CEPEJ-GT-CYBERJUST) L'utilisation de l'intelligence artificielle (IA) générative par les professionnels de la justice dans un contexte professionnel Note d'information préparée par le Groupe de travail de la CEPEJ sur la cyberjustice et de l’intelligence artificielle (CEPEJ-GT-CYBERJUST)…

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EU’s AI Act passes crucial parliament vote

The world’s first artificial intelligence legislation took an important step towards approval today, as EU lawmakers voted in favor of a compromise agreed with European capitals.  A joint internal market and civil liberties committee of the European Parliament approved the AI Act by an “overwhelming majority,” the chair of the internal market committee, Anna Cavazzini…

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