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Participation in the consultation of: United Nations Advisory Board Interim report Governing AI for Humanity

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CSAIA Association involves several Italian Universities, Italian National Center of Research, and many important Italian and International Industries exploring all the fields of human knowledges, combining the humanistic aspect of the issue, with law, philosophy, the arts, labor law, together with medicine, engineering, physics, mathematics, cybersecurity, aerospace, agriculture. We believe that AI studies and applications can arise from a path of collaboration between the public and private sectors.


Opportunities and Enablers

Considering that AI represent a real new industrial revolution in all the fields of the daily human knowledge, AI may change the classical way to access to the knowledge improving the real light for a new revolutionary approach.

AI is able to increase the productivity in all the aspects of the traditional human knowledge, from science, medicine, engineering, energy, environmental sustainability to law process for creating the rule for AI governance, aerospace, automotive, agriculture.

AI has many tools for assisting traditional education method. Applications have been developed to serve as virtual assistants many people not only via translational program, but with the new generative AI.

Any aspect of the human knowledge may be as a revolution for obtaining new perspectives. In medicine AI-powered tools that predict protein structures are being used by a lot of researchers for drug discovery and to advance understanding of diseases, as well as many previously neglected diseases. AI is powering diagnostic tools to help medical doctors with more timely detection of various types of diseases, thereby saving lives. In the energy, AI is playing a role in optimizing energy systems and advancing the transition to renewable energies. In order to avoid that AI could be evaluated as a tool against Human being it is essential to strive for obtain a global governance to promote all the potential objectives.


Risks and Challenges

All new revolutionary technologies may have the risks to create many damages to the human society. Related the AI Systems the risks may be given form both technical limitations of the systems (i.e. bias and fakes of generative AI), and to the application and the use.

Of course it is essential have an Expert Panels able to detect each risk to human being as entity and part of community.

IA must avoid deception, nudging, biometric recognitions as well as technology overuse and dependency, gender discrimination without respecting ethical values and rigid legal rules.

From the above considerations must be created an AI International governance by which in all over the world the guidelines for the AI application could be detected and applied independently from the economic power for pushing AI Systems not driven from the human being.

The human being has the role for creating the route, the rules and the right applications of AI Systems.


Guiding Principles to guide the formation of new global governance institutions for AI
Principles Guidelines for AI application and use has to include several points:


  1. Transparency: will be provided enabling all stakeholders to fully understand the AI systems application, pushing companies for optimizing surveillance practices.
  2. Inclusion: the AI systems will not discriminate any human being because of equal dignity and all citizens should have the opportunity for improving their life’s quality.
  3. Responsibility: every investigations, from project to the research application of AI System needs to respond for the given task required and each AI company have to involve not only the same company, but also Universities, small private AI labs, and some other AI dedicated Organizations.
  4. Impartiality: AI Systems thanks to the human control should not to create any prejudice.
  5. Reliability: AI System must be reliable for every human being.
  6. Security and privacy: Following the directory requested by the Authority, must be created a governance to ensure the right respect of privacy.

All the above mentioned points can be integrated in a common AI Principles Guidelines and Governance including EU Parliament AI Act (in evaluation to be regulated from EU Commission), UN Charter AI Governance, International Human Rights Law.



Funzioni istituzionali che un regime di governance internazionale per l’IA dovrebbe svolgere

AI Governance needs several lines connecting each others.

International organizations, governments, private companies, academia should have different roles with the same purposes for these functions.

AI application needs a consensus from all the actors involved and the citizens are not the final step, but the more important to involve for the right knowledge and use of AI Systems.

The Governance could be the independent branch for detecting trajectory and changes of AI Systems, developing and harmonizing safety and risks, improving economical conditions, promoting International cooperation, pooling Experts knowledge.

In this perspectives, legal strict rules are mandatory not only for evaluating the changes but for emphasizing both transparency and accountability from all the actors involved.


Other comments on the International Governance of AI section (aside from Principles and Functions, covered in above questions)

La governance internazionale dovrebbe essere
– Il rispetto dell’essere umano al centro di ogni processo per AI System


Any other feedback on the Interim Report
As CSAIA Association President I feel the Interim Report respect all the circumstances by which has been created. The AI Systems will change in few years every aspect of human life and without rules, cooperation, consensus AI could be dangerous for the same humanity.

CSAIA Association will be honored to be part with its researchers and Institutional actors, ot this impressive challenge for the humanity. We are ready to cooperate for creating consensus about rules to be applied.